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DOH Notices and Policies

DOH Notices and Policies

PPE Stockpile Regulations Re-Published for Public Comment

The regulations requiring nursing homes to maintain a 60-day supply of PPE had been implemented on an emergency basis, and the deadline for permanent adoption expired before the adoption process was completed. Facilities have been advised to continue to follow the expired regulations.

November 21, 2023

DOH Notices and Policies

MAS to Take Over Modivcare Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Trips on Long Island on Dec. 1st

Stakeholder meetings are scheduled on Long Island this week.

November 14, 2023

DOH Notices and Policies

Long-Term Care Provider Associations Meet with DOH

HERDS reporting questions reduced, but not frequency of reporting.

November 14, 2023

DOH Notices and Policies

LeadingAge NY Calls for Updates to Nursing Home Administrator Qualifications at BENHA Meeting

At the Oct. 11, 2023 meeting of the Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators, LeadingAge NY spoke about the challenges nursing homes face in recruiting administrators and the need to update qualifications and administrator-in-training program requirements.

October 23, 2023

DOH Notices and Policies

Recent DOH Webinar Resources for Nursing Homes and ACFs

Slides and recordings available.

September 19, 2023

DOH Notices and Policies

DOH Hosts Webinar on New Health Equity CON Process for Article 28 Facilities

The new process applies to nursing home and certain diagnostic and treatment center CON applications, submitted on or after June 22, 2023, that relate to a significant change in beds, a change in location, or a significant change in services. A second webinar will be held on Sept. 14th at 1 p.m.

August 29, 2023

DOH Notices and Policies

DOH Issues Advisory Regarding Vibrio Infections Related to Undercooked Shellfish

Department of Health issues an advisory regarding Vibrio vulnificus infections in both NY and CT.

August 15, 2023

DOH Notices and Policies

LeadingAge NY Seeks Amendments to Nursing Home PPE Stockpile Regulations, Reimbursement for Costs

In comments on the revised proposed regulations, the association reiterated the need for modifications in the inventory calculation and Medicaid rates that cover unreimbursed PPE stockpile costs.

August 14, 2023

DOH Notices and Policies

Emergency Rule Making – Education Law- Amendment: Education Requirements for Licensure as an RN and LPN in NY When Coming from Another State

The proposed regulatory amendments close the loophole in the educational requirements for nursing by providing that nursing programs approved by another state that are determined not to be satisfactory to the Department of Health may not be used by an applicant to satisfy the education requirements for licensure as a nurse in New York.

August 15, 2023

DOH Notices and Policies

DOH to Host Webinars on Health Equity Impact Assessments

The first webinar on the new Health Equity CON requirements for nursing homes and other Article 28 providers will be held on Aug. 28, 2023, and the second will be held on Sept. 14, 2023.

August 8, 2023
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