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DSRIP Weekly Update-March 3, 2015

This week, we learned some disappointing news regarding the Vital Access Provider (VAP) exceptions determinations for those who were hoping to be designated as a Safety Net provider in a Performing Provider System (PPS), but did not meet the initial standards. DOH is also providing one last chance for providers to get involved in a Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program PPS.

CMS Issues Final Vital Access Provider Exceptions Determinations 

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized their review of the VAP exception of providers to participate in DSRIP with a Safety Net designation. The approved entities include three Licensed Home Care Services Agencies (LHCSAs): Aftercare Nursing Services, Inc.; Family Services of Westchester, Inc.; and Independent Health Care Services. In addition, it includes State qualified Health Homes, Home and Community Based 1915 (i) providers and “harm reduction providers.” Harm Reduction providers provide HCBS services and substance abuse services.

LeadingAge NY is disappointed that several members who had been recommended by the State for the VAP exemption were not approved by CMS. Click here for more information, including the CMS letter which includes details about the approvals and the logic behind the determinations. Any provider that was not approved by CMS for Safety Net designation may still participate in DSRIP, but cannot receive more than five percent of the project’s total value.

Any questions regarding the VAP exception and safety net process can be sent to DOH at BVAPR@health.ny.gov.

One Last Chance to Join a PPS!

In order to allow more time to finalize DSRIP partnerships, the State extended the date to which PPSs can submit their new partner templates to Mon., March 9. Providers that join a PPS at this time will have to sign an attestation with the PPS. Note that PPSs may have an earlier deadline in order to get the necessary documentation into the State by March 9. Any members interested in reaching out to a PPS regarding a potential partnership should use this PPS contacts list. As a reminder, a provider joining a PPS at this time will not be considered attributed for valuation of the projects, but can be used for baseline and performance measures.

Guidance on Implementation Planning

PPSs are currently at work developing implementation plans for their DSRIP projects. Sample sections of the implementation plan have been issued as a for guide PPSs, and additional sections will be provided shortly. The Independent Assessor will judge whether timeframes for milestones are acceptable. This information may help guide members as they work with their PPSs on implementing projects they are involved in.

As always, LeadingAge NY wants to hear from you regarding your DSRIP experiences. If you have questions or suggestions, let us know. General questions for DOH about DSRIP can be directed to dsrip@health.ny.gov.

Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828