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DSRIP Weekly Update-June 2, 2015

Things have been pretty quiet on the Deliver System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Program front, as we await big news.

Final Valuation Coming Soon

While no public announcement has been made yet regarding the final valuation for each Performing Provider System (PPS), we have been reading reports in Crain’s and Capital New York on the matter. Each PPS did receive information last month regarding their individual valuation, and according to the aforementioned stories, an additional $1 billion or so will be allocated to downstate PPSs who did not fare as well as expected. The lower than antipicated valuations were reportedly due to 11th Project, which was added late in the process and reportedly not available to many downstate hospitals. According to the Department of Health's (DOH) most recent comment on the issue, we anticipate a formal announcement and webinar on valuation shortly.

Application Posted for Integrated Primary Care and Behavioral Health Services

DOH, the Office of Mental Health and the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services have created parameters for approval of providers that want to integrate behavioral health and primary care services under DSRIP Project 3.a.i. The process differs for each provider type; outpatient providers licensed under Article 28 of the Public Health Law who wish to integrate services per DSRIP’s Project 3.a.i Licensure Threshold must complete a DOH Limited Review Application for each integrated site. For more information on the provisions and different applications, click here.  

Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828