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DSRIP Weekly Update-July 21, 2015

As the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program shifts into a more active implementation phase, we are eager to hear from members about your progress as well as any concerns or needs you might have from us. Let us know how things are going!

Below are a variety of quick updates for members engaged in DSRIP:

  • The DSRIP Year 1 Timeline was updated and can be found on the DSRIP Website.
  • The State continues to review and provide comment on PPS implementation plans that were submitted in June. All PPS's are in the process of responding to comments currently.
  • It is anticipated that the PPS Performance Network Provider lists will be posted to the DSRIP website shortly.
  • The PPS First Quarterly Report submission is due on July 31.  
  • Two COPA applications are still under review (submitted by Advocate Community Partners and Adirondack Health Institute; a third submitted by Richmond University Medical Center was withdrawn). It is anticipated that the applications will be presented to the PHHPC for their comment and review at the Sept./Oct. meetings, and the COPA regulations will be finalized by the end of Sept.  
  • The State plans to announce the Capital Restructuring Financing Program (CRFP) awards this October.
  • The State is attempting to facilitate regular regional meetings with PPS medical officers and plan representatives.

Data Security and Information Sharing

DOH has posted a Data Security and Information Sharing webinar, which was presented earlier this month.  The webinar can be accessed here, slides here, and Frequently Asked Questions here. DOH discussed that we are attempting to share more data than ever before, while at the same time addressing increasing security risks. It should be noted that Personal Health Information (PHI) cannot be shared by the PPS with any PPS provider until a Security Assessment Affidavit is completed, previous data has been destroyed or returned and the opt-out process has completed. Any downstream providers receiving PHI from the PPS Lead Entity (PPS Lead) need to have Business Associate Agreements in place. PPS providers are encouraged to review the materials.

OMIG DSRIP Guidance 

The New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) has posted on its website DSRIP Compliance Guidance 2015-02: Frequently Asked Questions by Performing Provider System (PPS) Leads Relative to Compliance Programs. This joint publication by OMIG and the DOH provides responses to DSRIP-related compliance questions. The publication is available on OMIG's website here.

Don't Miss an Opportunity for Regulatory Flexibility!

As discussed prior, DOH has issued another opportunity to submit regulatory waiver requests, which are due Sept. 15, 2015. The waivers would be considered in the context of their DSRIP project plans and/or Capital Restructuring Financing Projects. Click here for background and guidance issued by the State agencies last year regarding the regulatory waivers. Responses to new requests will be sent to the PPS leads by Nov. 1, 2015, and posted on the DSRIP website. It should be noted that decisions have not yet been made regarding previous requests made by PPSs related to Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA) and Hospice expansions.

Additional Resources

A recording of a free webcast, The Changing Face of Long Term Care in New York State, is available here. The presentation provided an overview of current activities driving system reform to change the way health care is delivered in the State in support of the Triple Aim to: 1) improve the quality of care; 2) improve health outcomes; and 3) reduce costs. The program also addressed initiatives that work together to support individuals in the community, such as DSRIP, and included presenters from DOH.

Additionally, KPMG Healthcare & Life Sciences Institute is hosting a webcast, entitled Getting DSRIP Done for Your PPS on Thurs., July 30, 2015, 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. The webcast will address how you and your PPS can organize your teams to be successful at implementing your DSRIP program, while achieving your organization's broader strategic objectives. The webcast will discuss how you will be paid, how you can approach Funds Flow, and strategies for integrating your data and IT needs. The Webcast will last approximately 60 minutes, including a question-and-answer session. To register, click here.

Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828