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DSRIP Weekly Update-Feb. 2, 2015

Budget Includes Language Regarding Value-Based Purchasing (VBP)

As outlined in the DSRIP Terms and Conditions, DOH must submit to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) a multi-year roadmap for comprehensive payment reform. By the end of the DSRIP initiative, 90 percent of payments to providers by Medicaid managed care plans must be made through a value-based methodology (or a methodology other than fee-for-service). Similarly, the State’s Fully Integrated Duals Advantage (FIDA) Program requires the implementation of non-fee-for-service provider reimbursement methodologies. DOH intends to submit a plan for adopting value-based payment arrangements to CMS and receive approval by Wed., April 1, 2015. LeadingAge NY is part of the workgroup that is providing input into the concept. Click here for more information about the workgroup and Value-Based Purchasing.

There is also language in the Executive Budget proposal that includes language to enable the Commissioner of Health to authorize managed care plans to enter into VBP contracts with providers. It also permits the Commissioner to authorize DSRIP Program Performing Provider Systems (PPSs), or any subset of a PPS, to accept value-based payments. The proposal clarifies that PPSs are authorized to arrange, by contract, for the delivery of health services. It further authorizes the promulgation of regulations governing VBPs. Click here for more information and details regarding the budget proposal.

Project Approval and Oversight Panel Updates

DOH revised the agenda for the DSRIP Project Approval and Oversight Panel (PAOP) meetings in February. Most notably, the start time has changed to Tues., Feb. 17 at 10:30 a.m. Click here to view the revised agenda, and here for more background on the panel and the meetings the week of Feb. 17.

Important Information Regarding Public Comment

DOH provided clarification regarding the public comment on PPS Project Plan Applications. The public can submit comment by Sun., Feb. 15 at 3 p.m. at DSRIPApp@health.ny.gov. As a reminder, all of the PPS applications were posted on Thurs., Jan. 15 and are available here.

DOH Provides Q&A from PPS Meeting in January

DOH issued a document that summarizes the questions and answers from the all-PPS meeting held at the SUNY Albany School of Public Health on Fri., Jan. 16. Click here to view the document.

Capital Restructuring Financing Program (CRFP) Applications Due Feb. 20

This is a reminder that the applications for the CRFP are due Fri., Feb. 20. Click here for the application and related documents. Members are reminded that all not-for-profit providers must qualify through the Grants Gateway. Click here for the most recent information on the CRFP.

Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828