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DSRIP Weekly Update-Feb. 17, 2015

This will be another busy week for those engaged in Delivery System Reform Inventive Payment (DSRIP) program. DOH receievd comments on the Performing Provider System (PPS) applications from LeadingAge NY and other stakeholders, and will begin a public review of the scoring process. Meanwhile, the Department of Health (DOH) is allowing providers one last chance to get into PPSs.

Comments and Review of DSRIP Project Plan Applications

On behalf of our members, LeadingAge NY provided comments on DSRIP Project Plan applications, which can be viewed here. In our comments, we commented on general themes we saw in review of the 25 DSRIP PPS applications. Concepts included concern about the apparent under-representation of the Long-term and Post-acute Care (LTPAC) provider community in PPSs; concern about how LTPAC Safety Net providers will meet health information technology and exchange benchmarks; and our thoughts on some of the requests for waivers of regulation. The full array of public comments received can be found here; and a summary of the comments is being developed.

Are You Still Hoping to Get into a DSRIP PPS?

DOH is opening the window one more time for providers to get into PPSs. It is our understanding that this is the last opportunity until the mid-point assessment in approximately two to three years. PPSs must provide updates to DOH by Mon., Feb. 23, and thus would need attestations from providers this week. It should be noted that providers added at this point will not have an effect on the PPS valuation; rather, they would be included to impact the ability to achieve project metrics. DOH has provided each PPS with data regarding Medicaid providers that have not been attributed to a PPS; however, we strongly recommend you reach out directly to the PPS lead in your region immediately if you hope to be included. Click here for contact information for all of the PPSs statewide, and here for the applications.

Project Approval and Oversight Panel Meets this Week

The DSRIP Project Approval and Oversight Panel (PAOP) will meet this week, starting Tues., Feb. 17, through Fri., Feb. 20, to review the DSRIP PPS Project Plan Applications and scoring. Click here to view the scoring, here to view the agenda and here for more background on the panel and the meetings.

The meetings will begin with a day of public comment on Tues., Feb. 17, and take place in the Empire State Plaza in Meeting Rooms 2-4. The meetings are open to the public with limited seating available. No pre-registration is required. You may also view the meetings remotely; they will be webcast here.

CRFP Application Due This Week

As a reminder, the applications for the CRFP are due Fri., Feb. 20. Click here for the application and related documents. All not-for-profit providers must qualify through the Grants Gateway. Those that are applying new in the Grants Gateway should alert the State by emailing CRFP@health.ny.gov to have the application fast-tracked. Click here for the most recent information on the CRFP.

DSRIP Implementation Plan Template Unveiled

Last week, DOH issued a draft of the DSRIP implementation plan template, which will be used by PPSs to submit their implementation plans by Wed., April 1. Based on feedback received, the template has been updated and finalized. While this tool is likely to be of most interest to PPS leads, those participating in DSRIP PPS projects may find it informative. It is important to note that the information entered into the implementation plan template must align with the commitments made in the application process. More information, including an implementation plan prototype, will be released shortly. Click here to view the template.

As always, LeadingAge NY wants to hear from members about their experience with DSRIP. If you have questions or needs related to DSRIP, please let us know.

Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828