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DSRIP Weekly Update-April 7, 2015

In Delivery Sytem Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program news, there are adjusted timeframes, OMIG guidelines, public comment on COPA applications, and a revised measure specification manual.

New Measure Specification Manual Available 

DOH submitted the DSRIP Measure Specification Manual to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on April 3, 2015 for their review and approval.  The manual contains information regarding reporting requirements for performance measures, as well as the data sources, reporting timeframes, and more.  The manual includes the performance goals for the measures in Domain 3, the methodology for establishing the annual improvement target, and the mechanism for achieving high performance funds for the ten measures identified for the extra payment.  

LeadingAge NY submitted comments on the Measure and Specification Reporting Manual, which can be accessed here. In our comments, we highlighted the need for additional education to help non-lead PPS participants to understand how metrics will help to capture their contributions to the success of the PPS project. Most of the measures in Year 3 and beyond are acute care and primary-care based, and so members are likely to be reliant on other data to tell the story of their specific performance.  Click here to view the updated version of the manual that DOH has submitted to CMS, which incorporates feedback received during the public comment process.  

Happy New Year! 

DOH announced that they have updated the DSRIP Year 0 timeline to reflect recent date changes for several deliverables. A DSRIP Year 1 timeline, which begins April 1, is also available, and will be updated as deliverable dates are developed. Click here to view both timelines.

DOH Accepting Comments on COPA Applications

DOH has updated the Certificate of Public Advantage (COPA) webpage to include summaries of the applications received.  Public comment will be accepted on the applications until April 22, 2015.  Click here to view the applications and learn more about the public comment process.

OMIG Issues Compliance Guidance for PPS Leads 

The New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) has posted DSRIP Compliance Guidance 2015-01: Special Considerations for Performing Provider System (PPS) Leads' Compliance Programs. The guidance is specific to the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Program mandatory compliance programs that must be in place for PPS leads. In addition to the compliance requirements outlined in law and regulation, the guide provides some special considerations that PPS leads should incorporate into Compliance Programs. Click here to view.

Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828