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DSRIP Weekly Update-April 28, 2015

In Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) news, the Department of Health (DOH) provides quarterly reports to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) raises concerns about Certificate of Public Advantage (COPA) and distressed hospitals are given a chance to apply for financial support.

DOH Posts Progress Reports to CMS

Per agreement with the CMS, the State must submit progress reports on a quarterly basis. The reports provide DSRIP status on deliverables and transformation milestones. Click here to review the reports for the reporting period beginning on April 14, 2014 through December 31, 2014.

Consumers Will Receive Notification Regarding Participation in DSRIP

As reported in last week's Medicaid and Managed Care Planning and Policy meeting, DOH will be mailing outreach letters to the State's Medicaid members regarding DSRIP. The consumer will have the option to "opt-out," and otherwise presumed to be participating in DSRIP. This means that DSRIP providers will be able to share the member’s health information. DOH is hoping to get help from managed care plans to correct invalid addresses. 

Is the COPA Copacetic?

The federal government has concerns about the COPA option, according to a letter to DOH from the FTC. The concerns relate to whether or not the State is encouraging anti-competitive behavior and the implications both legally and in the marketplace. DOH has indicated that they do not think the DSRIP Performing Provider Systems will experience the issues outlined in the FTC letter. We will keep members apprised of any developments on this matter. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us or discuss with your counsel.

Vital Access Provider Assurance Program (VAPAP) Funds Available to Distressed Hospitals

While not directly related to members, you may be interested in knowing that approximately $245 million in funding is being made available to individual hospitals in severe financial distress to enable these facilities to maintain operations and vital services. These facilities will embrace longer-term solutions ensuring sustainable health care services consistent DSRIP goals. DOH will conduct an Applicant Conference and Webcast on Wed., April 29, 2015. Click here for more information regarding the VAPAP.

Reminder: New, Amended CRFP Issued; Applicants Must Reapply

DOH rescinded the prior Request for Applications (RFA) for the Capital Restructuring Financing Program (CRFP), and has issued a new RFA with a due date of Wed., May 6. The new RFA and related documents can be found here.

It should be noted that while the amendments affect the review of the application, there have not been changes to the application form or attachments. In fact, applicants may submit the same application that had been submitted prior. The Letter of Attestation is if the application submitted in response to the new RFA is identical to that previously submitted.

Questions regarding the CRFP and the RFA should be directed to DOH at: CRFP@health.ny.gov.

How Can We Help You?

As DSRIP shifts to implementation, LeadingAge NY would like to know how best to support our members that are engaegd in DSRIP. We will be meeting with colleagues in weeks ahead to think together about how we can provide education, resources and tools to help you in the months to come. So please take a minute and let us know what you need! 

Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828