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Upcoming Audio Conference on DSRIP and Other Resources

Are you feeling overwhelmed or confused about DSRIP, the State’s newly approved plan to reduce hospitalizations and transform the health care system in New York? You are not alone. After a long wait, information is now coming out at a rapid pace and it’s hard to keep up. We want to make sure you have the information you need to be a part of this transformational effort.

On Fri., May 9th at 1:30 p.m., LeadingAge NY will host a call tailored to our members needs. Join us to learn the reasons why the Delivery System Reform Incentive Program (DSRIP) is so important and steps to get started with an initiative. We will also give you tips on how to determine the value you bring to potential projects and how to network with potential applicants. This call is free for members and registration is not required.  Click here for more information. Please note that your password will be required; if you have forgotten your password, please use the ‘forgotten password feature’ on our website.

In addition to the call, there are a variety of activities underway related to DSRIP that you should be aware of oulined below.

DOH is encouraging potential regional collaboratives, entitled Performing Provider Systems (PPSs), to submit non-binding Letters of Intent to the state by May 15, 2014. These letters should be submitted by the potential lead organization, which is likely to be a hospital or hospitals. The letter will include information such as the potential participating providers, which can include long term care and post-acute providers. The participating providers need to indicate that conversations around forming a PPS have taken place. Thus, you may be contacted by a lead organization for this purpose, and there is benefit to be engaged at this juncture, particularly as it is not binding. The letters of intent will be posted publically on the DSRIP site.

An application for DSRIP Design Grant funding has been made available and DOH conducted a webinar Tues., May 6th on the application, which has been recorded and will be posted on the DSRIP website. While the lead entity will submit the application, the grant application requires the applicant to describe the projects they have selected and the partners involved in the PPS. The application is due by June 17, 2014, and any entity that is given grant funds must meet certain deliverables, including a DSRIP application due in December 2014. This means that regional collaboratives will be solidifying in the weeks to come, and members should be engaged. 

In addition, DOH has scheduled a MRT Waiver Amendment/DSRIP Q&A conference call for Wed., May 7th from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The purpose of the call will be to provide a brief overview and update to stakeholders on DSRIP, and then move to a question and answer session. Pre-registration is not required, simply dial in to the call approximately ten minutes before 2 p.m. Please be certain you have the proper call information, as it changed when the call was rescheduled: call-in: (888) 435-1371; conference ID: 36935496.

DOH has also posted two DSRIP Whiteboard videos on the DOH DSRIP site: DSRIP:  5 Themes, 5 Minutes and Safety Net Definition. These are short videos intended to provide a brief overview to stakeholders on key elements of DSRIP. 

Lastly, in related news, last week LeadingAge NY submitted extensive written comments to the State on the MRT Waiver Special Terms and Conditions (STCs), which outline implementation of DSRIP and other MRT Waiver Amendment programs, authorized funding sources and uses, and other requirements. Our comments emphasized that although a major goal of the program is to reduce avoidable hospital use among Medicaid beneficiaries, the STCs and other aspects of the waiver amendment largely overlook the population of frail elderly Medicaid beneficiaries receiving Long Term and Post-acute Care (LTPAC) services and the providers that serve them. We stressed the need to allow targeted investments in LTPAC services and to carefully consider the timing of payment reform and other aspects of the program.

You can learn more about DSRIP on the LeadingAge New York and Department of Health websites. You can also sign up for the Medicaid Redesign Team LISTSERV, which will alert you to new information and updates.

Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, or Dan Heim, dheim@leadingaegny.org; 518-867-8383