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DSRIP Updates and June 3 DOH Conference Call

The Department of Health (DOH) has issued a variety of updates on the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program this week:

June 3 DOH Q&A DSRIP Conference Call 

DOH is hosting an operator-assisted DSRIP conference call today, June 3 from 1 - 3 p.m. The purpose of the call will be to take questions from stakeholders on New York’s DSRIP program.  LeadingAge NY will be providing members with further updates on this call.

New Webinars and Whiteboard Videos available 

DOH has posted three new webinars on the newly created DSRIP Webinar & Presentation website here.  While the programs listed below are not specifically geared towards our members, they may help providers to develop a deeper understanding of this complex initiative:

  • Understanding DSRIP…for Physicians
  • DSRIP Behavioral Health Webinar
  • Performing Provider System Development- An Illustrative Example

In addition, two whiteboard videos have been posted, which are short videos on specific aspects of DSRIP:

DSRIP Performance Data

DOH has posted new data for emerging Performing Provider Systems to review on the DSRIP Performance Data webpage.

  • Hospital Inpatient Prevention Quality Indicators: Access All Payer data from HealthData NY on observed and expected rates for Hospital Inpatient Prevention Quality Indicators beginning in 2009 through 2012.
  • Medicaid Inpatient Admissions and Emergency Room Visits Data for all Medicaid Beneficiaries, including data on Medicaid beneficiaries with chronic conditions sorted by zip code and by county. 

LeadingAge NY Comments on DSRIP Project Toolkit

In addition, any provider interested in participating in a DSRIP Performing Provider System should review DOH's DSRIP Project Toolkit and identify the project(s) that it could support.  The toolkit provides specific project descriptions along with project values.   DOH accepted comments on the toolkit until May 28.  LeadingAge NY's comments can be viewed here.  They emphasized the critical role of long term/post-acute care providers, requested expansion of certain projects to incorporate additional types of long term/post-acute care providers, sought clarification concerning regulatory issues, and urged investment in telehealth and health information technology and exchange for long term/post-acute care providers.

DSRIP Procurements

The DSRIP Support Team and Independent Assessor Bidders Conference were held on Tuesday, May 27.  The bidders conference presentations for the Support Team and the Independent Assessor have been posted in their respective sections of the DSRIP website.  These are not opportunities for members, but again might provide insights into the state's expectations for the entity that will provide support to DSRIP applicants, and the entity that will assess applications.

Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828