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DSRIP Program Brings Together Approximately 250 Various Providers

On Mon., Feb. 24, LeadingAge New York, in conjunction with several other associations, held a forum on the Delivery System Incentive Reform Payment (DSRIP) program. Approximately 250 various providers participated in regional sites to learn more about the initiative and the State’s ongoing negotiations with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Greg Allen, the Department of Health's (DOH) director of the division of program development and management, noted that the State plans to meet with CMS this week in hopes of finalizing key details. 

While the fundamental objective of DSRIP is to reduce hospitalizations (including emergency department visits) by 25 percent, Allen stressed the importance of collaborations to help create a more integrated service delivery system. In fact, Allen stated that DOH does not intend to fund an applicant from a single provider, even if the applicant is a system with multiple components. Rather, they want applications from regional collaborations as they see this necessary to system redesign. Allen also recommended that regional collaborations include managed care and managed long term care plans with a presence in that region.

Allen discussed the possibility for some regulatory relief related to the DSRIP proposals. Language in the Executive Budget Proposal authorizes such actions, and DOH is interested in removing barriers to collaboration.

Allen indicated that, under CMS recommendation, some of the ways in which the project proposal has been organized are being revised. In addition, one of the details under discussion with CMS is how to support financially disadvantaged providers. They are exploring the possibility of a separate pool of funds to support such entities. 

DOH has created a DSRIP website, which provides data for providers to review to help identify possible ways to target reduction of hospitalizations and system reform. This will be a key tool as members consider how they may be able to partner with others in the region.

LeadingAge New York continues to work with our association partners to finalize the details of an additional program in New York City for early March, and will let members know when more details are available. Given the aggressive timeframes for the DSRIP, we encourage interested parties to participate. We also invite member feedback about how we can support members in convening with other providers as potential DSRIP partners.

Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828