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Two New Reports Cover Topics of Interest to PPSs and Managed Care Plans

Two recent reports provide useful information for providers and managed care plans engaging in efforts to reduce hospitalizations and/or in bundled payment arrangements.  The first, Addressing Patients' Social Needs: An Emerging Business Case for Provider  Investment (Commonwealth Fund), describes the importance of incorporating social interventions into health care in order to succeed under value-based payment arrangements.  It also describes some successful interventions that link at-risk patients to social supports. 

The second, Key Payer and Provider Operational Steps to Successfully Implement Bundled Payments (Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute), provides an in-depth review of the operational, financial and data management steps that health plans and providers are taking to succeed in bundled payment arrangements, based on interviews with health plans, providers and conveners.

Contact:  Karen Lipson, klipson@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8383, ext. 124