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DOH Solicits Comments on Proposals for MRT Waiver Amendment

New York’s MRT Medicaid Waiver amendment is evolving through negotiations with CMS to include three components:

  1. The Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program (DSRIP):  $7.317 billion over five years.
  2. A state plan amendment (SPA) to implement the Health Home Development Fund:  $525 million over five years.
  3. Managed care contract payments to support primary care, workforce development, and home and community-based services for behavioral health conditions: $2.1 billion over five years.

This memorandum summarizes the draft plans that the Department of Health (“the Department”) has submitted to CMS to implement the DSRIP Program, SPA and managed care contract payments. The draft plans are available here. The Department hopes to receive CMS approval by the end of the calendar year. It has requested comments on the DSRIP plan and the other waiver documents by Wednesday, January 15. Even after CMS approval has been granted, comments will be considered in relation to the negotiation of the terms and conditions of the waiver.

Under the draft DSRIP plan, applications to participate in the DSRIP program will be due on Friday, April 25. Given the tight time frame, LeadingAge New York members are encouraged to begin exploring potential DSRIP partnerships with other providers and managed care plans in their regions. LeadingAge New York will be hosting a webinar in early January to provide further information about the DSRIP.

Contact: Dan Heim, dheim@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8383 ext. 128