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DOH Provides Updates on DSRIP

The provider community has been poised for some time to apply for opportunities in the Medicaid Redesign waiver, which has evolved to a three pronged approach: the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program; health home state plan amendments and the promotion of other activities through managed care contracts. During a recent managed care meeting, Jason Helgerson reported that the state continues to actively work on various aspects of the agreement. The terms and conditions of the waiver will be available for public comment and the Department of Health (DOH) will conduct a webinar to explain the plan and answer questions. DOH again highlighted that integrated service delivery will be a key component of the DSRIP-the largest aspect of the waiver- and the Commissioner has the authority to waive regulations that impede this objective.

Helgerson stressed that interested providers start planning now for potential DSRIP initiatives. Capital funds in the Executive Budget proposal are intended to support DSRIP projects, and it is envisioned that an application for capital may be submitted in conjunction with a DSRIP application. While the timeframes for the application are likely to be pushed back to mid-April, they remain aggresive and members are again urged to be planning now if hoping to be a part of a DSRIP initiative. In other words, we must continue to remain poised, ready to spring to action when the opportunity comes. 

LeadingAge NY has conducted education on DSRIP with association partners, which can be accessed here. We had also planned a NYC event on DSRIP, but DOH staff had to cancel and we are working to reschedule. Click here to access the DOH DSRIP site.

Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828