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DOH Issues CRFP Questions and Answers and Other Resources

The Department of Health (DOH) issued the Questions and Answers (Q&A) and fillable attachment forms for the Capital Restructuring Financing Program (CRFP), which can be accessed here. Several issues were addressed that we raised, or may impact members, were addressed in the Q&A. While we encourage you to review the document in its entirety carefully, here are some highlights:

  • Further clarification is made about the appropriate use of funds as it relates to mergers and debt; and health information technology investment.
  • Providers engaged in a Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program Performing Provider System (PPS) must submit an application through the PPS lead. Only entities outside of DSRIP can submit an application through Process B.
  • Providers engaged in multiple PPS must select one PPS through which to submit the proposal. 
  • In order to be considered for an award, not-for-profit applicants are required to be prequalified on the Grants Gateway at the time of application. You may email DOH to fast track the process. Not-for-profit applicants are reminded to choose DOH as the oversight agency when registering in the grants gateway.
  • Applicants expecting to be the legal or beneficial owner of the capital project should submit proposals through their PPS lead under Process A. These applicants will be awarded directly and will be expected to enter into a contract DOH. A single entity must be identified as the applicant.
  • Projects that have a Certificate of Need (CON) application ending with the State can apply for CRFP funds if the CON application has not yet been approved or contingently approved. In that circumstance, its financing plan may be changed and the project can be submitted for CRFP funding.
  • There is no requirement for when funded projects would have to commence, but projects will need to be completed by Tues., March 31, 2020. There will be no advance payments or deposits, and payments will be made as the work is completed. CRFP funds will only be available to reimburse for expenditures made during the contract term.

If you have any questions regarding the CRFP, please let us know.

Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8828