DOH to Post Nursing Home Staffing Penalties
(Dec. 23, 2024) During a Dec. 19th meeting with LeadingAge NY and other associations representing long term care providers, Department of Health (DOH) staff announced that the Department intends to make the first posting of nursing home staffing penalty amounts to its website within the next four weeks. Section 2895-B of the Public Health Law, the statute that sets out nursing home minimum staffing requirements, requires DOH to post the assessed penalties, as well as any mitigating factors that were considered in assessing the penalties, at least 30 days before taking penalty action. While DOH specified that it would provide additional information in early January, this suggests that the first set of penalties for providers unable to comply with State staffing requirements will be assessed in the first months of 2025. Initial indicators are that the posting will include quarters 2, 3, and 4 of calendar year 2022. In 2022, fewer than 25 percent of homes were able to meet the requirements. We will share further details as soon as we have them.
Contact: Darius Kirstein,, 518-867-8841