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Support Washington Advocacy

This is a critical week for our advocacy agenda on Capitol Hill.

Congress is returning from its Thanksgiving recess with three important issues they must resolve before the end of the year:

  • Funding for senior housing;
  • Extending the exceptions process for therapy caps; and
  • Fixing the observation days problem.

LeadingAge is holding two call-ins this week to raise our voices to remind Congress of how their actions impact our nation's elders.

Funding for Senior Housing

Tuesday, Dec. 3, we will call both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to urge them to stop further cuts to affordable senior housing through sequestration.

Therapy Caps and Observation Days

Thursday, Dec. 5, we will call the Senate to urge them to extend the therapy caps exceptions and fix the Observation Days problem.

As noted by Larry Minnix: "Advocacy is a central component for achieving our missions. That means that we, as people who believe that the right things can be done the right way and better, must take our views and voices to Congress."

LeadingAge is urging members to organize your colleagues, board members, residents, clients and family members to join in these call-ins. It takes just a few minutes to make your voice heard. 

Contact: Patrick Cucinelli, pcucinelli@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8827