E-Filing the Medicare Cost Report
The Medicare Learning Network (MLN) will broadcast a webcast for providers interested in learning more about filing their Medicare cost reports electronically through the new Medicare Cost Report e-Filing (MCReF) system. The broadcast will take place on Tues., Nov. 5th from 1 to 2:30 p.m. and does require registration. Details of the event with a link to registrations are available here. The presentation topics include accessing the system, a detailed overview of the process, and responses to frequently asked questions. Please note that this event features the same content as previous MLN webcasts on MCReF.
Medicare cost reports are due at the end of May for those on a calendar fiscal year or 150 days after the end of a non-calendar fiscal year. A step-by-step MCReF guide published in August 2019 is available here.
Contact: Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841