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Ambulance Transport from SNF to SNF

CMS has issued Pub 100-20, clarifying ambulance transfers for a resident going from one SNF to another SNF.  The memo reiterates Pub 100-04, citing the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, “Ambulance transportation and related ambulance services for residents in a Part A stay are included in the SNF PPS rate and may not be billed as Part B services by the supplier. Therefore, a transport between two SNFs is not separately payable when a beneficiary is in a Part A covered SNF stay, and will result in a denial of a claim for such a transport.” 

The transferring facility is responsible for the expense of the transport, and ambulance companies are being advised to bill the transferring SNF.  Claims submitted by the facility for payment from Medicare Part B will be denied.

Contact:  Michelle Synakowski, msynakowski@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8850