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RHCF Cost Report Clarification

Although the Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) accompanying the release of the RHCF Medicaid cost report software indicates that "all facilities are required to complete the NEW Schedule Q-- Schedule of Facility Reported Capital," DOH has clarified to LeadingAge NY that completing it is, in fact, optional and that they will be notifying providers of this shortly. 

The intent of the schedule is to allow homes that may have capital reimbursement dynamics that may not be reflected correctly in the automated capital component calculation to flag those issues by entering the total allowable capital dollar amounts that the home believes should be the basis of its capital reimbursement.  DOH will still calculate the capital based on figures reported on other schedules, but will reexamine the calculation if the facility-entered amounts differ materially from the automated calculation.  The hope is that this process will minimize errors and capital rate appeals.     

Homes with multiple services should enter total capital costs and leave the days section blank. 

Contact:  Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841