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  6. » Please Remember to Review Excluded Appeals Lists by Sep. 11th

Please Remember to Review Excluded Appeals Lists by Sep. 11th

Members are reminded to submit additional information regarding any appeal exclusion request DOH has denied by Sep. 11th. A listing of appeals that should be excluded from the Universal Settlement that each home submitted, along with DOH determinations on whether the state agrees that the exclusions are appropriate, are available for each home on the Health Commerce System (HCS).  Homes with denied exclusions have until Friday to submit documentation supporting the exclusion.

Several homes that submitted exclusion lists have nothing posted on the HCS.  DOH requests that homes in this position resubmit their original lists by the Sep. 11 deadline.  Supporting documentation, lists and questions should be addressed to Matt Leonardo, Matthew.Leonardo@health.ny.gov.  As DOH staff finalizes exclusions, attorneys representing providers and DOH counsel are finalizing the language of the Universal Settlement release documents. 

Contact:  Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841