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Nursing Home Medicaid Cost Report Software Now Available

The 2013 nursing home Medicaid cost report software is now available for download on the Health Commerce System (HCS).  The reports and related documents and certifications are due Aug. 15.  Please note that DOH has established Aug. 11 as the date by which any operator or CPA that will be certifying a cost report must have the necessary HCS access for electronic certification.  Instructions and forms for this are included with the cost report Dear Administrator Letters (DALs).       

The DAL for homes that file the RHCF-4 report is here.  The DAL for hospital-based homes that file the RHCF-2 report is here.

Homes that fail to file and certify the report and any additional required documents on time receive a lower quality pool score, face delays in the calculation of their capital component and may be subject to penalties.  DOH has stressed that no extensions will be provided. 

Contact: Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841