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NH Census Rosters Due Now

Nursing homes are required to upload their January 30 resident census roster by April 26. This information will be the basis of case mix adjustments for Medicaid rates effective July 1, 2013 through Dec. 31, 2013. The message sent by DOH providing census upload information is copied below. The phone number for the Resident Assessment Unit is shown at the bottom of the message. 

Contact: Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841


Dear Administrator:


The January 2013 Census Collection period for nursing facility case mix reimbursement is set to begin April 8, 2013.  The process will run from April 8 though April 26, 2013.  The facility census data will be collected and matched against data submitted by your facility to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  This January census collection will be used for the case mix calculation effective July 2013.


In accordance with recently adopted amendments to Title 10 NYCRR, Section 86-2.40(m) a new document regarding the certification of Minimum Data Set (MDS) census data is being implemented.

Part 86-2.40(m) has been revised to read (in part):

The operator of a proprietary facility, an officer of a voluntary facility, or the public official responsible for the operation of a public facility shall submit to the Department a written certification, in a form as determined by the Department, attesting, with each data submission, that all of the “minimum data set” (“MDS”) data reported by the facility is complete and accurate.

Therefore, effective with the July 2013 census the revised certification form included with this email will be the required certification form and will be the only form accepted.  To access the new form, please follow these instructions:

· Go to Website - https://commerce.health.state.ny.us/

· Security Screen - enter your “HCS” ID and password

· Health Commerce System Welcome Page - select "Minimum Data Set (MDS) for NF Reimbursement" under the heading "My Applications"

· Select the link labeled: “MDS Certification Form (Effective July 2013)”

Please note, this revised form will also be available after successfully uploading and matching your MDS census roster.

Resident Assessment Unit
Bureau Of Long Term Care Reimbursement
One Commerce Plaza - Room 1430
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12210
Phone: 518-474-1057
FAX:     518-402-5392