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LeadingAge NY Weighs in on Nursing Home Training Initiative


Earlier this week, LeadingAge New York provided the Department of Health (DOH), the labor union 1199 SEIU and other stakeholders with input on the nursing home Advanced Training Initiative (ATI), a program aimed at teaching direct caregivers to detect early changes in a resident’s status that could lead to decline and/or hospitalization. The program is funded at $46 million for State Fiscal Year 2015-16, and funding will reportedly continue the following year.

Under the proposal, nursing homes would work with labor unions and other organizations to offer training to front line workers. The training programs would be subject to DOH review, and under the proposal facilities would need to have direct care staff retention rates above the statewide median percentage to be eligible to participate. The statewide median retention percentage for nurses and certified nurse aides combined was approximately 80 percent in 2013.  DOH recently reminded nursing homes through an e-mail of the importance of properly completing Schedule P of the cost report for 2014, since reported staff retention may be used to determine eligibility for the ATI program.

Facilities that are receiving vital access program (VAP) funds would also be ineligible to participate in the ATI, under the proposal. In its comments, LeadingAge NY’s advocated for a more flexible approach to establishing facility eligibility; focusing the program on direct care staff training and related outcomes; and ensuring that program funds can be used for other facility costs related to implementing the program.

LeadingAge NY will continue to keep members posted on the ATI program.

Contact: Dan Heim, dheim@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8383, ext. 128