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DOH Posts 2013 CRA Reconciliation Calculation Sheets

DOH has posted facility-specific calculation sheets used to reconcile the 2013 nursing home cash receipts assessment.  Members should have seen the impact of the reconciliation in Medicaid payment cycle 1981 (released on Aug. 26th).  Although the statewide net impact was negative for providers, members would have seen a positive or negative adjustment based on their specific circumstance.  We recommend that you review the calculation for errors and ensure that it matches with the rate adjustments made.  Instructions for accessing the sheets are copied below.  The accompanying Dear Administrator letter is also posted here

Several members reported that their reconciliation impacted periods beyond 2013.  If this is the case for your home, please let us know.  

Contact:  Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841


From: doh.sm.BLTCR.NF.RATES <nfrates@health.ny.gov>

Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 1:58 PM

Dear Administrator:

The 2013 Cash Receipts Reconciliation calculation sheets have been posted to the HCS.  If you have any question or issues regarding the calculation please contact NFRATES@health.ny.gov<mailto:NFRATES@health.ny.gov> and used the subject line 2013 CRA Questions.

Thank you.

To access:

1.    Log into the HCS at


2.    Under the MY APPLICATIONS heading, find “NH Cash Receipts Assessment”

3.    Select your facility.

The DAL and all rate sheets are available from this link.