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DOH Clarifies CMI Cap Proposal

In a briefing on provisions impacting nursing homes contained in the governor's proposed budget, the Department of Health (DOH) clarified that they intend to make significant changes to the proposal to limit case mix growth.  The original proposal suggests a facility-specific cap.  Instead, the intent is to cap statewide case mix growth to two pecent over any six month period.  If the statewide growth were less than two percent, no limits would be imposed.  If statewide growth were to exceed two percent, DOH would proportionately reduce the case mix of all homes whose growth exceeded two percent to reduce the statewide average growth figure to two percent. While we oppose any arbitrary limits to appropriate case mix increases, the revised proposal is significantly less onerous than the version originally presented.        

Language reflecting the change is expected to be included in the forthcoming budget amendments.

Contact:  Darius Kirstein, dkirstein@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8841