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State Medicaid Spending Remains Below Cap

Latest Medicaid Global Cap report shows spending is trending $59 million below projections.

January 24, 2014


It's Not Too Late to Submit the NAMI Survey!

DOH extended the deadline for nursing homes to complete the NAMI survey until Fri., Jan. 31.

January 28, 2014


Nursing Home Medicaid Payment Updates

DOH readies case mix updates, Hurricane Sandy payments.

January 14, 2014


Discussions Continue on Nursing Home Capital

With discussions continuing on Medicaid nursing home capital reimbursement under managed care, DOH is signaling an interest in continuing the current methodology and requiring managed care plans to pass through the capital component.

January 14, 2014


DOH NAMI Survey Due Today

DOH requests that all nursing homes respond to the NAMI survey by Jan. 21.

January 21, 2014


Important to Complete DOH NAMI Survey

We encourage nursing home members to complete a brief, online survey that will help DOH formulate a proposal for the state to take over NAMI collections.

January 7, 2014


Medicaid Global Cap Savings

Group recommends sharing Medicaid global cap savings with providers.

December 17, 2013


Nursing Home Medicaid Rates

DOH lays out the expected timing of nursing home Medicaid rate updates.

December 17, 2013


Nursing Home NAMI Survey Coming

Provider participation in survey will be critical to advance the proposal for state takeover of NAMI collections.

December 16, 2013


Hurricane Sandy Payments

DOH is readying next round of payments.

December 17, 2013
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