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Nursing Home Medicaid Rates Posted

DOH has posted detailed information on nursing home 2014 Medicaid rates on their website.

March 21, 2014


Nursing Homes Advised to Download MDS Census Software and Submit Rosters

Nursing homes are required to upload their January 2014 MDS census rosters in early April, and should download updated MDS software now.

March 25, 2014


DOH Announces Change in Medicaid Electronic Remittances Release Dates

New York's Medicaid program announces change in the release date for electronic remittances.

March 24, 2014


More Nursing Home Medicaid Rate Updates Coming

DOH posted updated nursing home Medicaid rate sheets to the Health Commerce System (HCS) last week.

March 4, 2014


DOH Updates Nursing Home Medicaid Rates

Although DOH has not made rate sheets available yet, nursing home Medicaid rates have been updated and rate adjustments retroactive to January 2013 are scheduled for March.

February 25, 2014


Nursing Home Capital Methodology Retained

The DOH-formed Nursing Home Capital Work Group finalizes some issues and agrees to continue discussing others.

February 11, 2014


No Nursing Home Medicaid Rates Yet

DOH reports that updated Medicaid rates have been submitted to the Division of the Budget (DOB) and hopes to post them to the Health Commerce System (HCS) upon DOB approval.

February 10, 2014


DOH Clarifies CMI Cap Proposal

The state intends to modify a budget proposal to limit case mix growth.

February 4, 2014


Transition of Nursing Home Residents into Managed Care: Final Policy Document

DOH distributes final document that lays out the state's policies on transitioning the nursing home benefit and population into managed care. 

February 4, 2014


DOH Clarifies Nursing Home Transition to Managed Care

The Transition Work Group finalizes policy document and discusses bed hold payments under managed care.

January 28, 2014
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