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Nursing Home Cost Report Submission Guidelines

DOH has posted an RHCF-4/RHCF-2 Medicaid Cost Report submission guidance document on the Health Commerce System along with the cost report materials.

April 21, 2015


2014 RHCF-2 Medicaid Cost Report DAL

Reports and accompanying certifications are due Fri., Aug. 14, 2015.  The RHCF-4 (non-hospital-based homes) DAL is here.

April 21, 2015


2014 RHCF-4 Medicaid Cost Report DAL

Reports and accompanying certifications are due Fri., Aug. 14, 2015.  The RHCF-2 (hospital-based home) DAL is available here. Submission guidance is posted here and information on electronic certification is here.

April 21, 2015


Medicaid Rate Update

Programming issues have delayed payments.

April 14, 2015


Nursing Home Rosters Due Fri., April 17

Information that will be used to adjust Medicaid rates for acuity for the second half of 2015 is due Friday. 

April 14, 2015


Opportunity to Discontinue OMIG Audits Ending

Nursing homes have until Fri., April 24 to notify DOH of OMIG audits eligible for discontinuation.

April 21, 2015


Cash Receipts Assessment Correction

An issue with the 2012 Cash Receipts Assessment reconciliation that impacted a number of homes has been corrected. 

April 6, 2015


January MDS Census Roster Due

Nursing homes have until April 17 to upload their January 28 MDS Census Rosters.

April 7, 2015


DOH Extends Deadline for Homes to Request Audit Discontinuations

Nursing homes have until April 20 to request that current OMIG audits of items included in the Universal Settlement be discontinued. 

April 7, 2015


2012 Assessment Reconciliation Correction

DAL announces that the issue that caused the 2012 Cash Receipts Assessment reconciliation to roll forward into 2013 and 2014 for some homes has now been corrected and payments are being adjusted to reflect the correction.    

April 2, 2015
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