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Nursing Home Rate Appeals

DOH clarifies appeal filing and rate publication dates. 

June 30, 2015


LeadingAge NY Issues Important Update on Executive Compensation Filings

Executive Order #38 filing deadlines tied to cost report deadlines for most providers.

June 23, 2015


LeadingAge NY Comments on Changes to Nursing Home Quality Pool

In a letter to the Department of Health (DOH), LeadingAge New York commented on proposed changes to the Nursing Home Quality Initiative (NHQI) for 2015,

June 23, 2015


FIDA Updates

DOH hosts provider/plan education event and extends deadline for alternative payment proposals.

June 16, 2015


Medicare Rights Center Offers FIDA Toolkit to LeadingAge NY Members

The toolkit assists providers in educating their Medicaid participants.

June 16, 2015


Medicaid Enrollment Form

NY Medicaid institutes new provider enrollment form.

June 16, 2015


Across-the-Board Medicaid Cut Expires

E-MedNY notified providers that the two percent across-the-board cut on Medicaid payments expired on April 1, 2015; nursing home 0.8 percent assessment remains in effect at this time. 

June 2, 2015


DOH Addressing Roster Issue

An issue that resulted in incorrect scores for certain residents in the recent nursing home census roster upload is being resolved.

May 12, 2015


Progress on Universal Settlement

DOH sets Wed., May 13 as the final exclusion list submission date and prepares to circulate draft agreement language.

May 12, 2015


Cost Report Electronic Certification

The form and instructions to request electronic certification access to certify 2014 RHCF-4/RHCF-2 Medicaid Cost Reports is available here and on the Health Commerce System.

April 21, 2015
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