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Nursing Home Rate Updates

DOH outlines various rate issues and notes that the July 1, 2016 rate has been processed for payment, although rate sheets have yet to be posted.

November 14, 2016


Preliminary Nursing Home Rates Available

Nursing homes and ADHC programs may access their draft preliminary 2017 Medicaid rates on the HCS.

November 7, 2016


DOH Posts 2017 Preview Capital Rates

Nursing homes can review and submit corrections by Dec. 2, 2016.

October 10, 2016


Nursing Homes: Watch for Preview Capital Rates

DOH is posting nursing home Medicaid 2017 draft capital rates for homes to preview. 

October 4, 2016


LeadingAge NY, Other Groups Push for Payment of Nursing Home Add-on

Associations seek to expedite payment of 1 percent increase to Medicaid rates.

October 4, 2016


Provider Revalidation Deadline Approaching

Providers notified that their Medicaid revalidation is due this year must submit all required materials so that they are received and accepted by DOH before Sept. 25, 2016. 

September 19, 2016


Nursing Home Assessment Reimbursement

DOH updated cash receipts assessment reimbursement amounts in July 2016. A retroactive adjustment back to Jan. 1, 2016 was included in Medicaid payments made in August.

September 6, 2016


Clarifying Cut to Medicaid Payment of Medicare Cost Sharing

LeadingAge NY obtains important clarifications on impact and effective date.

August 29, 2016


Important Minimum Wage Survey Due Aug. 29th

DOH has distributed a nursing home survey aimed at gathering data needed to adjust Medicaid rates to reflect minimum wage increases.

August 22, 2016


Medicaid Reimbursement of Medicare Cost Sharing

A provider alert issued through the eMedNY LISTSERV reminds Medicaid providers of the change in crossover payments for dually eligible individuals enrolled in Medicare managed care plans.

August 12, 2016
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