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LeadingAge NY Represented on Key Workgroups

Members and staff appointed to workgroups on case mix and Fiscal Intermediaries.

May 7, 2019


State Institutes New Medicaid Payment Edit

Multiple claim submissions could result in denials.

April 30, 2019


Nursing Home Reimbursement Update

DOH reports that several rate updates are under review and indicates that cost report software is likely to be available in May.

April 9, 2019


Closing the Books on 2018

A review of 2018 nursing home Medicaid payments may be helpful for members completing their 2018 financial audits.

March 12, 2019


Nursing Home Reimbursement Update

Several rate updates are under review and moving slowly toward payment.

February 12, 2019


Nursing Home Minimum Wage Survey Due Feb. 4th

Survey data will be used to reconcile 2017 minimum wage funding.

January 22, 2019


State Seeks to Reinstate Payment Lag

Organizations currently exempted from the two-week Medicaid payment lag must request an extension by Jan. 14th if they wish to maintain the exemption.

January 7, 2019


Key Nursing Home Funding Questions Await Answers

The methodology that DOH will use to determine case mix adjustments for January 2019 Medicaid rates remains uncertain.

January 8, 2019


Nursing Home Reimbursement Update

Having released NHQI adjustments and supplemental payments, DOH is focused on finalizing the 2019 Medicaid rate.

December 14, 2018


Adjustments Hitting December Medicaid Payment Cycles

Nursing home members should validate Medicaid payments; some should anticipate paper checks.

December 4, 2018
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