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Nursing Home CMI Workgroup Meets

DOH provides several clarifications on the July CMI methodology; workgroup members express concerns and discuss options going forward.

June 14, 2019


DOH Notifies Nursing Homes of Payment Adjustments

2015 and 2016 audit rate adjustments have been made; adjustments to November 2018 rates expected in July.

June 18, 2019


Refinancing Shared Savings Program Applications Due June 20th

Nursing homes that have entered into an eligible refinancing arrangement since April 2015 should not miss the opportunity to apply for a share of the resulting Medicaid savings.

June 11, 2019


LeadingAge NY, Other Groups Raising Major Concerns About Case-Mix Proposal

Groups communicate concerns about lack of data and impact of July 2019 case-mix change.

June 4, 2019


Important Nursing Home Deadlines

Refinancing shared savings applications are due by June 20th, while the Medicaid cost report deadline is July 29th.

June 3, 2019


Nursing Home Case-Mix Workgroup News

Based on first meeting of case-mix workgroup established under final SFY 2019-20 budget, LeadingAge NY most concerned about DOH's plans to implement July 1, 2019 change in methodology.

May 28, 2019


DOH Posts NHQI Score Sheets for Review

Nursing homes have until June 4th to review their results, after which the information will be finalized and posted.

May 24, 2019


DOH Distributes Nursing Home Refinancing Savings Program Application

Homes with approved refinancing arrangements that were entered into after March 31, 2015 should submit the required form by June 20th to participate in the program.

May 27, 2019


Nursing Home Reimbursement Update

Several rate adjustments are awaiting final approval.

May 14, 2019


eMedNY Reverses “Three Strikes” Edit

Edit that would have denied payment of a claim after three submissions will not be implemented.

May 7, 2019
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