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Electronic Appeals Submission System


RHCF Members


Patrick Cucinelli, Senior Financial Policy Analyst


March 5, 2009


Electronic Appeals Submission System


Administrator, CFO

ABSTRACT: DOH announces the activation of their new electronic appeals process.

The Department of Health (DOH) has released a March 3, 2009 Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) detailing the implementation of the new Electronic Appeals Submission (EAS) system.  For member convenience, a copy of this letter is available by clicking on the attachment link posted with this memo (see lower left of screen).

The DAL is a follow-up to the announcement made in the cover letter that accompanied the release of the 2009 initial or “hotline rates” in December.  Also for member convenience a copy of this prior DAL is available by clicking here.

April 15, 2009 Deadline
DOH is continuing their Expedited Rate Review (ERR) process first implemented with the 2008 hotline rates.  Details on the ERR are available in NYAHSA memo Doc. ID # N00001483.  The December DAL informed providers that the deadline for filing appeals to the 2009 hotline rates is April 15, 2009.  This is the date by which appeals, not including specified capital items appeals which were due on January 15, 2009, must be filed.  April 15 is also the deadline for the resubmission of certified 2002 (or off-year base year) cost reports used in calculating the 2009 rate under the new 2002 base year methodology. 

EAS Details
All appeals must be submitted using the new EAS system.  If your facility has already submitted ERR appeals using the paper system, you must now re-submit using EAS.  Capital items already submitted by the January 15th deadline are not impacted by the EAS implementation.  All other appeal items must be submitted electronically or they will be rejected.  The March DAL also specifies that appeals to rate years prior to 2009 should continue to be submitted using form DOH-2466.  There is a certification feature in the EAS that requires the submission of an operator’s certification with electronic signature as is done with the electronic cost report submissions.  The EAS is accessed through the Health Commerce System (HCS) and additional details on accessing the HCS were provided with the EAS DAL. 

Members should refer to the DAL and on-line EAS features for detailed instructions on using the system.  The EAS system also contains links to frequently asked questions, a User Guide, and access to nursing home reimbursement regulations.  DOH is requesting that any questions regarding the EAS be submitted via email to nfrates@health.state.ny.us.

Member Input Requested
This is a new procedure being implemented by DOH, and as such it may be anticipated that there could be some bugs in the system.  NYAHSA is requesting that members inform us immediately of any problems they encounter so that we may track the issues and raise them with DOH.

For additional questions or to advise as to any concerns or problems encountered please contact me at pcucinelli@leadingageny.org or call 518-449-2707 ext. 145.

N:\NYAHSA\Policy\pcucinelli\Medicaid rates\March2009newEAS.doc

Electronic Appeals Submission System

March 3, 2009 DOH DAL on Electronic Appeals
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Electronic Appeals Submission System

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