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Additional DOH Storm Guidance and Tropical Storm Lee Survey


All Members Impacted by Recent Weather Emergencies


Patrick Cucinelli, Senior Director of Public Policy Solutions


September 30, 2011


Additional DOH Storm Guidance and Tropical Storm Lee Survey


Administrator, CFO

ABSTRACT:  DOH has issued additional information on recent weather related emergencies and is asking victims of Tropical Storm Lee to complete survey.

Tropical Storm Lee (Southern Tier and Central NY)
Facilities affected by Tropical Storm Lee (on or about September 8th), which includes those facilities impacted by the flooding along the southern tier and central parts of New York, are being asked to complete the NYS Emergency Affected Provider Reporting Tool.  The Department of Health (DOH) is asking that the survey be completed in Excel™ format and sent electronically to bpacr@health.state.ny.us as soon as possible.

An “affected provider” includes any facility or agency that incurred some hardship, additional costs, lost revenue or interruption of service as a result of the storm or its immediate aftermath.

The file should be saved using the operating certificate number of the submitting facility.  A copy of the spreadsheet is attached.  Again, the completed survey should be sent to DOH via email to bpacr@health.state.ny.us.

While this survey is specifically directed at nursing homes, NYAHSA acknowledges that the impact of this storm cuts across the full spectrum of our membership, and our advocacy is focused on the needs of all our senior services and housing providers.

Finally, please note that DOH is treating the Tropical Storm Lee related survey and disaster recovery process separately from Hurricane Irene, although the two events are very close in timing.  Copies of the emergency declarations for Tropical Storm Lee are also attached.

Hurricane Irene Survey
The collection of data for those facilities impacted by Hurricane Irene (on or about August 28th) has been completed by DOH as of data received September 12th.  Any surveys received subsequent to that date have been retained in the event that the file is updated. As of this date, DOH is not aware of an 1135 waiver being granted to the counties affected by Hurricane Irene, but continues to work with the federal government on expediting this process.

1135 Waivers for both Storms
DOH views the collection of this survey data, for both emergency declarations, as critical in their efforts to obtain 1135 waiver status and access federal emergency relief funding.  The implementation of an 1135 waiver would go a long way in clarifying many of the reimbursement and documentation questions that members are currently struggling with.   LeadingAge is therefore encouraging our members to be sure to comply with all such survey requests.

Members are also reminded to access the September 28 Dear Provider Letter update on the 1135 waiver process.

Please contact me with any questions at pcucinelli@leadingageny.org or call 518-867-8827.
Please see attachments (2) below.

N:\NYAHSA\Policy\pcucinelli\Hurricane Irene\September 2011 both storms.doc

Additional DOH Storm Guidance and Tropical Storm Lee Survey

NYS Emergency Affected Provider Reporting Tool
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Additional DOH Storm Guidance and Tropical Storm Lee Survey

Tropical Storm Lee Emergency Declararions
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Additional DOH Storm Guidance and Tropical Storm Lee Survey

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