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Life Safety Code and Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies

The Department of Health (DOH) has shared the Top Deficiencies cited for the Life Safety Code and Emergency Preparedness surveys. Members should find this information helpful in preparation for their survey.

Top 20 Life Safety Code Tags

11/1/2016 – 7/11/2018

K351 – Sprinkler system installation – 229

Mixed sprinkler head ratings, lack of sprinkler heads, obstructed sprinkler heads, items stored less than 18 inches from sprinkler head…

K353 – Sprinkler system maintenance and testing – 206

K920 – Electrical Equipment – power cords and extension cords – 169

K921 – Electrical Equipment – testing and maintenance – 130

K372 – Smoke barrier construction – 129

K321 – Hazardous areas – enclosures – 126

K311 – Vertical Openings – enclosure – 117

K211 – Means of egress – general – 102

Projections into corridor, obstructions, impaired exit access, lack of door inspections…

K923 – Gas Equipment – cylinder and container storage – 99

Unsecured tanks, full and empty tanks comingled, no signage, stored with combustibles…

K225 – Stairways and Smokeproof Enclosures – 83

Doors not self-closing or not latching, gaps under door, storage in stairwell, improper fire resistance rating of enclosure…

K363 – Corridor – Doors – 82

K271 – Discharge from Exits – 81

K712 – Fire Drills – 79

K916 – Electrical Systems – essential electric system alarm annunciator – 67

K281 – Illumination of Means of Egress – 66

K324 – Cooking facilities – 55

K161 – Building Construction Type and Height – 55

K374 – Smoke Barrier Doors – 52

K345 – Fire Alarm System – Testing and Maintenance – 43

K911 – Electrical Systems – Other 41


Top 10 Emergency Preparedness Tags

11/15/17 – 7/10/18

1 – E0026  Roles under a Waiver Declared by Secretary – 45

2 – E0024  Policies and Procedures for Volunteers 30

3 – E0035  LTC Family Notifications – 27

4 – E0037  Emergency Prep Training Program – 21

5 – E0039  Emergency Prep Testing Requirements – 18

6 – E0015  Subsistence Needs for Staff and Residents – 18

7 – E0007  EP Program Patient Population – 16

8 – E0029  Development of Communication Plan 12

9 – E0006  Maintain and Annual EP Updates – 12

10 – E0013  Development of EP Policies and Procedures – 11

10 – E0022  Policies and Procedures for Sheltering 11


Contact: Elliott Frost, efrost@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8832