New Nursing Home Posting Requirement Takes Effect Dec. 26th
(Dec. 17, 2024) Beginning on Dec. 26th, nursing homes will be required to post their Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Five-Star ratings in each of the three Five-Star domains: health inspections, staffing, and quality measures. The ratings are required to be displayed on facility websites and in the facility itself. Homes are currently required to post their overall Five-Star ratings and will have to add the ratings in each of the domains to the existing statements.
The overall Five-Star ratings and the domain-specific ratings must be posted on the home page of any website maintained by a nursing home and on any webpage relating to the facility that is maintained by an entity that owns or operates the home. In addition, nursing homes are required to conspicuously post their most recent overall and domain-specific ratings in the facility in a place that is visible to the general public and to residents. The requirements can be found in Section 2808-e(2) of the Public Health Law.
The new posting requirements are mandated by a law enacted in September 2024. LeadingAge NY opposed the legislation, but the concerns we voiced, especially in relation to the impacts of escalating posting requirements on the homelike environments, were not heeded. More information about our advocacy on the legislation and the passage of the bill was reported previously here.
Contact: Karen Lipson,