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DOH Commissioner Declares Influenza Prevalent

(Dec. 22, 2024) The Department of Health (DOH) Commissioner declared influenza prevalent in NYS on Dec. 18th. This means that the "flu mask regulation" is now in effect for those entities to which the rule applies, including hospitals, nursing homes, hospice providers, diagnostic and treatment centers, and home care agencies. Home care staff who work in the Assisted Living Program (ALP) are subject to the requirement as well. The rule requires that specific personnel, as defined in the regulation, who are not vaccinated against influenza for the current influenza season now wear a surgical or procedure mask while in areas where patients or residents are typically present.

"Personnel" means all persons employed or affiliated with a health care or residential facility or agency, whether paid or unpaid, including, but not limited to, employees, members of the medical or nursing staff, contract staff, students, and volunteers, who engage in activities such that if they were infected with influenza, they could potentially expose patients or residents to the disease.

The regulations require that facilities and agencies subject to the rule document the influenza vaccination status of all personnel for the current influenza season in each individual's personnel record or other appropriate record. Documentation of vaccination must include the name and address of the individual who ordered or administered the vaccine and the date of vaccination.

Facilities must develop policies and procedures to implement these requirements and provide a report to DOH on the influenza vaccination status of personnel upon request. The applicable regulatory terms are as follows:

  • Upon the request of the Department, a health care or residential facility or agency must report the number and percentage of personnel who have been vaccinated against influenza for the current influenza season.
  • All health care and residential facilities and agencies shall develop and implement a policy and procedure to ensure compliance with these provisions. The policy and procedure shall include, but not be limited to, identification of those areas where unvaccinated personnel must wear a mask. This requirement is in effect until the Commissioner declares influenza no longer prevalent.

Please see the declaration for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the regulation and other resources are available here.

For more information, please contact DOH at FluMaskReg@health.ny.gov.

Vaccination Requirements for ACFs and Other Providers Under PHL Article 21-A

As a reminder, the Long Term Care Resident and Employee Immunization Act outlined in Article 21-A of the NYS Public Health Law (PHL) requires entities including nursing homes, adult care facilities (ACFs), and adult day health care (ADHC) programs to offer to provide or arrange for the provision of the influenza and pneumococcal vaccine annually to all employees and residents by Nov. 30th of each year, and document. The law requires entities to ask residents and employees to get both vaccinations, but allows them to decline. Article 21-A also requires the reporting of this data to DOH. While this longstanding law has not changed, the State stopped requiring the annual reporting of this information when the aforementioned Health Care Personnel Influenza Vaccination Report began. Thus, ACFs, ADHCs, and nursing home providers should continue to provide or arrange for influenza and pneumococcal vaccination and document influenza and pneumococcal vaccine status to comply with the law, though a specific report may not be required related to this law.

Contact: Diane Darbyshire, ddarbyshire@leadingageny.org; Meg Everett, meverett@leadingageny.org; or Amy Nelson, anelson@leadingageny.org. All can be reached at 518-867-8383.