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DOH Notices and Policies

DOH Notices and Policies

New Regulation Would Require Weekly Census Reports

Existing nursing home requirement would be codified in regulations.

December 21, 2018

DOH Notices and Policies

DOH Extends E-Prescribing Waiver

Blanket waiver for nursing homes extended 12 months.

November 6, 2018

DOH Notices and Policies

Court of Appeals Annuls “Soft Cap” on Executive Compensation

State’s highest court rules in LeadingAge NY case.

October 22, 2018

DOH Notices and Policies

Public Health and Health Planning Council Discusses "Limited Establishment" Co-Operators of Article 28 Facilities

The Council discussed a proposal to facilitate the creation of large health systems by allowing the establishment of co-operators with limited powers that are authorized to share in the revenues of their affiliated providers.

September 18, 2018

DOH Notices and Policies

State’s Highest Court Hears Oral Argument in LeadingAge NY Challenge to Executive Order #38 Regulations

Decision expected within 60 days.

September 11, 2018

DOH Notices and Policies

Oral Argument Set for LeadingAge NY Challenge to Executive Order #38 Regulations

New York State Court of Appeals to hear the case Sept. 5th.

July 17, 2018

DOH Notices and Policies

Additional Guidance on Medical Marijuana in Facilities

Nursing home and ACF workers may act as designated caregivers.

June 29, 2018

DOH Notices and Policies

DOH Adopts Final Rule on Medical Marijuana in Facilities

Regulation allows nursing home and ACF workers to act as designated caregivers.

June 8, 2018

DOH Notices and Policies

LeadingAge NY Submits Comments on Future of PRI

Responding to DOH's Request for Information on the future of the Patient Review Instrument (PRI), LeadingAge NY noted that a majority of members that submitted comments supported its elimination due to the poor quality of the information contained in it and the shortage of PRI-certified nurses. A minority of members preferred to retain the PRI because it provides a convenient snapshot of prospective residents.

May 1, 2018

DOH Notices and Policies

Reminder: Comments on Elimination of PRI Due April 30th

DOH has issued a Request for Information seeking comments on the elimination of the Patient Review Instrument by April 30th.

April 23, 2018
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