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NYSERDA Presents Program Opportunities for Health Care Facilities in NYS

(Nov. 5, 2024) On Oct. 7th, the Department of Health (DOH) Office of Health Emergency Preparedness (OHEP) hosted a Preparedness Workshop with Adam DeSio from the NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to present programs for health care facilities in NYS. DeSio discussed the following programs:

Flexible Technical Assistance (FlexTech) Program

Completing an energy study of your building can help you identify and evaluate opportunities to reduce energy costs and incorporate clean energy into your capital planning. The FlexTech program shares the cost to produce an objective, site-specific, and targeted study on how best to implement clean energy and/or energy efficiency technologies. A NYSERDA FlexTech Consultant can work with you to complete the energy study.

To get started, email NYSERDA at FlexTech@nyserda.ny.gov. Tell them about your project, and they will guide you through the application process.

Eligible Facilities

Commercial, industrial, and multifamily facilities in NYS that pay into the electric System Benefits Charge (SBC) are eligible to receive assistance. Limited funds are available for industrial sites that do not pay into the SBC.

On-site Energy Manager (OsEM) Program

Energy managers are responsible for creating efficient processes that decrease cost and waste, helping your business achieve leaner operations. You can lower operational costs; reduce maintenance time; and create comfortable, safe areas by hiring or assigning a dedicated on-site energy manager.

NYSERDA’s OsEM program offers a cost-share for industrial, commercial, and multifamily facilities or buildings to hire a dedicated full-time or part-time on-site energy manager. Projects may include operations and maintenance improvements, energy efficiency upgrades, water-saving improvements, and more. The energy manager can be either a new permanent hire or a contractor. You may select a contractor from NYSERDA’s current list of FlexTech Consultants or an independent service provider.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Participants must be commercial, industrial, or multifamily facilities or campuses, or have portfolios that contribute to the electric SBC.
    • A limited amount of funding is available to certain Commercial and Affordable Multifamily non-SBC paying customers.
  • Participants must not have an existing dedicated full-time energy manager on site.
  • Participants must show a desire to continue the energy manager role beyond the pilot engagement period.
  • Participants must be willing to share results and lessons learned about the impact of the energy manager with NYSERDA.

Building Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Staff

NYSERDA’s Building O&M Training Program provides funding for organizations to design and deliver custom, hands-on training for their maintenance and facilities teams. The program is designed to help organizations save energy and money, improve the performance of existing equipment, and transition to advanced building systems. Organizations can connect with a training partner of their choice to develop a unique training program tailored to their organization's needs – with little or no out-of-pocket costs.

Who Is Eligible

Building owners, facility managers, property management companies, training providers, business associations, trade groups, and organized labor associations are eligible to apply for funding. In cases where a training provider, a business association/trade group, or an organized labor association is the applicant, it must partner with a specified entity or entities that employ building O&M workers. Applications must be for training activities connected with specific buildings, building portfolios, or campuses of buildings, including partnerships of businesses with common training needs and skills gaps.

Strategic Energy Management (SEM) Program

NYSERDA is offering two fully funded program opportunities for businesses to transform their energy management. Participants will be guided by a professional coach to develop a SEM plan that will increase profitability, help attain environmental goals, and achieve greater resiliency.

From this training, participants will learn to:

  • collect, measure, and track energy use information to help inform strategic business decisions.
  • continuously measure and improve energy performance.
  • empower and motivate workforces to contribute to energy strategy and goals.

Heat Recovery Program

NYSERDA is working to energize the NYS marketplace for heat recovery solutions. Buildings, which represent around one-third of NY’s greenhouse gas emissions, waste heat (i.e., thermal energy) through a variety of processes, including ventilation, cooling, and wastewater systems. By capturing and repurposing that rejected energy, heat recovery solutions help building owners reduce operating costs and lower carbon emissions.

To increase awareness and adoption of heat recovery solutions, the Heat Recovery Program aims to advance solutions that can significantly improve thermal efficiency and support planning activities to accelerate a pipeline of successful heat recovery retrofits.

Heat recovery recycles wasted thermal energy, reducing a building’s energy consumption and carbon footprint. Recovering wasted heat – energy that building owners have already paid for – and repurposing it directly at point of use or storing it for later represents a promising approach to large building decarbonization.

Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Carbon Challenge Program

Based on market feedback, NYSERDA designed the C&I Carbon Challenge to give large, non-residential energy users resources to unlock deep decarbonization opportunities, either directly or through preferred solutions providers. The C&I Carbon Challenge helps companies and organizations implement carbon-reduction projects through a competitive proposal process. Challenge winners will work one on one with a dedicated NYSERDA resource on all proposed projects rather than navigating multiple NYSERDA or utility initiatives.

Large-Scale Thermal Program

Funding opportunities are available to help decarbonize your existing or new buildings, including large single buildings or multiple buildings such as educational or medical campuses, multifamily complexes, communities, and other collocated buildings using heat pumps and thermal sources like the ground (geothermal), wastewater, waste heat recovery from industrial processes, and thermal energy storage to provide heating, cooling, and hot water.

Clean Transportation Program

NYSERDA’s Clean Transportation Program provides incentives, funding opportunities, and technical assistance to advance several low-carbon modes of transportation, including public transit; biking; walking; and light-, medium-, and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), such as battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The transition to ZEVs is underway, supported by increasing vehicle choice and public charging infrastructure availability. Converting to ZEVs is not just good for the environment – it also reduces the total cost of vehicle ownership through lower fuel and vehicle maintenance costs.

NY-Sun Program

NYS is making solar energy more accessible to homes, businesses, and communities through NY-Sun incentives and a network of qualified installers. Combined with declining equipment costs, NYS tax credits, and Inflation Reduction Act tax credits, there has never been a better time to go solar.


Every commercial facility in NYS is eligible to participate in the above programs. The workshop PowerPoint presentation, which includes a link to each program with in-depth information regarding each and how to apply, is available here

Contact: Amy Nelson, anelson@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8383 ext. 146