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Stopgap Funding Cleared Until Dec. 20th

(Oct. 1, 2024) On Sept. 25th, the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate passed a continuing resolution (CR) to keep federal programs funded through Dec. 20th. President Biden signed the measure on Sept. 25th.

Because Congress has not enacted any fiscal year 2025 (FY25) appropriations bills, a CR is necessary to keep programs funded past the Oct. 1st start of the new FY and avoid a partial government shutdown. The CR contains language sought by the White House for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to use unobligated Tenant Protection Voucher funds to provide public housing authorities with funding needed to maintain voucher assistance for 120,000 current voucher-assisted households, about 33 percent of whom are older adult households. HUD did not request any additional funding (the CR keeps programs funded at FY24 levels through its duration) or program flexibility for multifamily programs. This indicates HUD believes it has the resources needed to fulfill project-based contract needs at least through Dec. 20th.

See LeadingAge’s action alert for how the House and Senate should finalize the FY25 HUD funding bill as members of Congress work to negotiate a bill by the new Dec. 20th deadline. Programs that receive mandatory spending, like Medicare and Medicaid, do not rely on annual appropriations bills for their funding. With passage of the CR, the House and Senate are now on recess until Nov. 12th.

Contact: Annalyse Komoroske Denio, akomoroskedenio@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8866