Home Care Updates
Home Health and Hospice Open Door Forum
The next Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Home Health, Hospice & Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Open Door Forum (ODF) is scheduled for Wed., Feb. 28, 2018 from 2 to 3 pm ET. For more information on this call, please click here.
NHTD/TBI Conflict of Interest Implementation Forms Due March 1, 2018
The Department of Health (DOH) has issued a Conflict of Interest (COI) Compliance Implementation Plan form and Provider Attestation to be completed per region by all provider agencies and service coordinators serving waiver participants. Forms must be submitted per region to each respective Regional Resource Development Center (RRDC) by March 1, 2018. The COI PowerPoint presentation provided by DOH can be accessed here, with the follow-up Q & A document available here. RRDCs are required to submit the COI Plan forms to DOH for their regions by April 1st.
Universal Billing Codes Effective April 1, 2018
Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) plans, managed care plans, and home care providers are required to implement the new Universal Billing Codes for HCBS services by April 1st. Plans and providers should be amending their contracts, and billing software should also reflect these changes. DOH will also require electronic payment of claims under contracts or agreements between plans and long term care providers. Click here for the Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) and list of codes.
Contact: Meg Carr Everett, meverett@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8871