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Understanding Nursing Home Staff Interconnectivity

Researchers at the Tobin Center for Economic Policy at Yale University have created a new web tool, Protect Nursing Homes, to help understand the extent of shared staff among nursing homes. The Protect Nursing Homes tool, which uses anonymous cell phone data, attempts to illustrate connections and can help as an early warning system letting providers know when there is a COVID-19 or other contagious condition outbreak in another organization that shares staff. The tool shows connectivity risk levels from low to very high. Homes considered hyper-connected should consider higher monitoring and implementing protective measures. Providers have an opportunity to see connectivity levels of homes nationwide and within their region.

Researchers are working now to find ways to connect other long term care settings beyond nursing homes. Dave Wilkinson, executive director of the Tobin Center, is seeking feedback on ways to improve the Protect Nursing Homes tool and is welcoming input from LeadingAge NY members.

Contact: Ken Allison, kallison@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8820