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Center for Health Workforce Studies Gathering Provider Surveys

The Center for Health Workforce Studies (CHWS) at the School of Public Health, University at Albany, monitors annual health care employment trends in the state of New York and issues a report of its findings each year based on surveys of providers. LeadingAge NY worked with CHWS on this year’s survey questions, which focus on workforce recruitment and retention in the context of COVID-19. We encourage member nursing homes and adult care facilities (ACFs) to timely complete the online survey.

The primary purpose of this brief survey is to better understand the current recruitment and retention problems faced by nursing homes and ACFs. Individual answers to the survey will be kept strictly confidential, with survey responses aggregated and reported at regional and state levels. For this purpose, respondents are asked to indicate all the counties their organization serves. The survey should take under 10 minutes to complete.

Completed responses are requested by Jan. 15, 2021. Your participation will contribute to increased understanding of current and emerging health workforce issues in New York. The final report will be released in 2021 and will be available on the Center’s website. CHWS’s most recent report, The Health Care Workforce in New York, 2018-2019: Trends in the Supply and Demand for Health Workers, can be found on their website at www.chwsny.org. LeadingAge NY and individual members rely on these informative reports for advocacy and other purposes.

If you have any questions, please call or email Kris Steigler at CHWS at 518-402-0250 or kstiegler@albany.edu.

Contact: Dan Heim, dheim@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8866