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PBJ-Reported Staffing (Q2 of CY 2024) Compared to State Staffing Requirements

Click on the link below to download an interactive Excel file that compares facility-specific daily staffing in Quarter 2 of Calendar Year (CY) 2024 to mandated state staffing levels. Please contact Darius Kirstein (dkirstein@leadingageny.org) or Eric Dumas (edumas@leadingageny.org) if you encounter difficulty or have questions.

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Background: Chapter 156 of the Laws of 2021 added Section 2895-b to the Public Health Law (PHL), which requires a total of 3.5 hours of nurse staffing per resident per day, of which at least 1.1 hours must be provided by registered nurses (RNs) or licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and at least 2.2 hours provided by Aides (certified nurse aide (CNA) or temporary nurse aide (TNA) in 2022, CNA only in 2023 and going forward). The remaining 0.2 hours can be provided by RNs, LPNs, or Aides. The Department of Health (DOH) determines compliance using Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ) data. This model compares daily PBJ-reported staffing hours for Quarter 2 of 2024 to the staffing levels established by legislation. It calculates hours per resident day for each day of the quarter based on a facility's PBJ submission and NYS staffing requirement definitions, indicates whether quarterly staffing averages met the minimum requirements, shows how many additional staff hours would have been needed to meet daily staffing levels for those facilities below the mandated thresholds, and provides a count of non-compliant days.  The Department of Health website dedicated to the requirements is available here.