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Nursing Home

Nursing Home

2016 Occupancy

Statewide 2016 nursing home occupancy percentages by facility.  

April 18, 2017

Nursing Home

Top Ten Survey Deficiencies by Region

LeadingAge NY has compiled the most commonly cited nursing home deficiencies through September 2016. 

January 3, 2017

Nursing Home

Average Number of Deficiencies

LeadingAge NY has updated data showing average number of deficiencies in New York state by region.

January 3, 2017

Nursing Home

Initiative to Reduce Use of Antipsychotic Medications

The National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care, a public-private coalition that includes the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), consumers, advocacy organizations, providers and professional associations, has exceeded its goal of a 15% reduction in the use of antipyschotic medications in long-stay nursing home residents.

November 18, 2014

Nursing Home

ADHC Utilization Trend

LeadingAge NY compiled and analyzed weekly ADHC slot availability reports.  

August 19, 2014

Nursing Home

Nursing Home Occupancy through March 2013

This file provides average monthly occupancy by nursing home based on weekly bed availability reporting.  Shows monthly data from October to March 2013 as well as the most recently reported bed availability. 

May 20, 2013

Nursing Home

5-Star Ratings: Regional Averages

Graphs showing average 5-star ratings for New York nursing homes by DOH region.  Data is from late 2012.

January 1, 2013

Nursing Home

Nursing Home Occupancy

Listing of individual home occupancy based on weekly bed availability submissions made to DOH.  County medians are also provided.

November 12, 2012

Nursing Home

Top Deficiencies by Region

A listing of most commonly cited health survey deficiencies in each of the seven DOH regions in New York state.

Click here to learn how Exceptional Care Planning (ECP) addresses top five ranked deficiencies.

November 6, 2012

Nursing Home

NH Salary Report Sample Page
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