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DataPoint: New F-Tag/Survey Process Findings

Of all health inspections occurring in the two months following the implementation of the new nursing home survey process on Nov. 28, 2017, developing and implementing a complete care plan was the most commonly found deficiency statewide. Proper care planning citations represented 7.2 percent of all deficiencies. Infection prevention was the second most frequently cited issue (6.6 percent) and was also the third most frequently cited deficiency statewide prior to the November change, during an evaluation of the most frequently cited deficiencies through September 2017. Food storage and service remained the top downstate deficiency during the months following Nov. 28, 2017, when F-Tag groupings were updated. Food services accounted for nearly 13 percent of all downstate citations. At the same time, upstate homes were cited more often for gradual dose reductions (GDR) and non-pharmacological interventions than downstate homes. GDR deficiencies represented 6 percent of all upstate deficiencies. Ensuring that nursing homes are free of accident hazards was also a more common citation among upstate nursing homes than downstate homes. Accident prevention deficiencies accounted for 5.2 percent of all upstate deficiencies.

A report detailing the top 10 deficiencies statewide, upstate, and downstate can be found here.

Contact: Ken Allison, kallison@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8820