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DataPoint: Medicaid Managed Care Spending in FFY 2018

Medicaid spending on medical services in federal fiscal year (FFY) 2018 exceeded $588 billion, with more than half (52.1 percent) flowing through Medicaid managed care programs. In New York State, Medicaid managed care spending represented 59.8 percent of total Medicaid expenditures, which ranked the state 17th nationwide. Based on initial estimates, total Medicaid managed care spending in FFY 2018 was $307 billion, up from $297 billion in FFY 2017. In total, Medicaid managed care spending increased by 3.3 percent in FFY 2018, which was the slowest one-year increase since FFY 2007. Total spending grew by $9.8 billion from FFY 2017 to FFY 2018 and by $25.8 billion from FFY 2016 to FFY 2017. Medicaid managed care spending in FFY 2018 accounted for 62.7 percent of spending, up from 57.5 percent in FFY 2012. Of the states and territories with risk-based managed care organizations (MCOs), 26 showed spending growth. New York State was one of the 17 states reporting a Medicaid managed care spending decline.

Additional MCO spending estimates of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) data made by Health Management Associates are available here.

Contact: Ken Allison, kallison@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8820