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DataPoint: Managed Care Plan Enrollment, February 2017

The state’s 30 Single-Capitated MLTC plans serve over 170,000 members. These plans represent 91 percent of all MLTC enrollment as of February 2017. The 10 largest Single-Capitated MLTC plans represent 63 percent of the total MLTC enrollment. Statewide MLTC enrollment is close to 200,000 enrollees when Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), Medicaid Advantage Plus (MAP), and Fully Integrated Duals Advantage (FIDA) plans are included.

Plan-specific MLTC enrollment statistics can be found here. These figures show both enrollment totals and market share percentages. An MLTC directory indicating the service area for each MLTC plan can be found here.

Contact: Ken Allison, kallison@leadingageny.org, 518-867-8820