Return to Work Guidance by Service Line
LeadingAge NY has compiled the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Department of Health (DOH) return to work guidance into a grid broken down by service line. The grid outlines return to work guidelines for members operating under conventional staffing strategies, contingency staffing strategies, and crisis staffing strategies. Please refer to the column headers indicating whether your staff member has been infected or exposed before consulting the guidance to follow.
Key points to remember:
- The DOH Surge and Flex Operations Center is to be contacted prior to moving from staffing strategies. The phone number for the Surge and Flex Operations Center is 917-909-2676.
- Day 0 for exposed health care staff is the day the exposure occurred.
- Day 0 for infected health care staff with symptoms is the day their symptoms appeared.
- Day 0 for asymptomatic AND infected health care staff is the day of their positive COVID-19 test (either antigen or PCR test).
The CDC document on mitigating health care staffing shortages that speaks to what is considered Day 0 for exposed and infected (symptomatic versus asymptomatic) staff is available here.
Contact: Mark Kepner-Clough,, 518-728-2365